Do You Want to be Rich or Successful.?

....and you shall make your ways prosperous: Joshua 1:8.

Do you want to be rich or prosperous?

We live in a society where everyone is obsessed with the word "Sucess". Everyone want be free, comfortable, able to afford more than what is needed... This is the cause of the current rat race in the society today.

The question is: do you want to be rich or successful? I lived a life of constant pursuit of riches... In my grade 5, I was taught by a teacher that inspired me so greatly that all I wanted was to be very rich, extremely flamboyant. She told the class:

"for you be great, powerful and rich tomorrow, all you need is to go to school and graduate "

I came from a humble family of 7 with a dad struggling to see his 5 kids through school because he never had the opportunity to. I wanted to make him proud.  So, I put more effort in my school works. My grade rose, and I was deem one of the most intelligence guy in the class if not the best.

The journey continued that way, till I lost track of my real purpose. All I wanted was to be successful, to be rich. That is where the problem lies.

What do I really want? What does my heart yarn for? Sucess? Or riches? My thought was that, to be successful is to be monetarily rich. That is where I got it all wrong.

Unfortunately, that is how we think this days. The society method of ranking had promoted this yardstick. We measure success level in terms of money. How much a man has is a determinate of how successful he is. I, seriously, think that there is something wrong with this method of evaluation. It is not just right.

If you believe with me that there is a force out there mightier than what we have on earth, you will understand that everyone has a divine or a chosen purpose of his earth walks. Some writers call it external force, some call it infinity intelligence, while some call it nature, divine force, external power, invisible force. What ever be the name, there is something out there that has given us purpose on our existence on earth.

We are not here by accident or by chance, there is a purpose for our existence. Now, we will live our live to be successful, and in reality being rich is our main motive, don't you think that there is something wrong with that thought pattern?

Success is achieving ones purpose. We truncate the meaning based on the current trend of money success, then, we are wrong. Making money  is not our ultimate  purpose on earth, but, definitely, a product of achieving our purpose. So, to be successful is not make cool cash, but, to fulfill an assignment we are sent to do.

I was on a thought train when the question occurred to me: do you want to be successful or rich? That is when I re-accessed  my motive. I realize my purpose should be to fulfill a mission and not to pursue cash aimlessly. By so doing, the cash will come as a by product, while you focus on helping the world be a better place. I believe this will help you evaluate your purpose as you help lives today!

Please share!
